Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Gannets live on Radio 3

Gannets returned to the live stage for the first time in over a year with an energetic half hour set during this years London Jazz Festival. We also saw one or two unique collaborations between Gannets and members of Dave Kane's Rabbit Project, Mat Maneri, Corey Mwamba, Paul Rogers, Robert Mitchell and other guest artists at this years festival.

Adventures in Sound, as it was billed by BBC Radio 3 posed the quizzical notion; is improvisation more creative in longstanding groups or one off collaborations? The nature of the gig was to encourage the sense of surprize and shock that should confront improvisation for both the listener and performer and which can truly be appreciated as something unique in that all too breif a moment when and where it takes place. Its also done to mix things up a bit and there were indeed some beautiful and sometimes odd musical moments during the collaborations but I just don't know which I would say was most creative. Judge for yourself . . . . .

Highlights of the gig can be heard over on BBC Radio 3 on Monday 5th December at 11pm - Jazz on 3 presents Adventures in Sound with special guests Gannets.

Photo of Fyfe Dangerfield by Richard Kaby.

Monday, 7 November 2011

gaNNets tour dates

"one of the highlights of the London Jazz Festival"  TIME OUT

"the abstract improv version of the Guillemots"  THE GUARDIAN

GANNETS WINTER TOUR 2012 - click on the tour dates below for more info and to link with local venue and ticket outlets. . .
Fri 3rd: BRISTOL > St. George's £10.
0845 40 24 001

Sat 4th: CHELTENHAM > Slak Bar £6.
01242 524011

Sun 5th: BRIGHTON > The Blind Tiger Club £10.50 / £9.50.
01273 606312